Key Priorities for the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group Sound Company Conduct
Management Approach
- Major Social Challenges
- Violations of compliance within the Company, including Group companies
- Specific Topics
- Promote fair business practices
- Implement robust anticorruption measures
- Strengthen supervisory functions and implement effective operation by leveraging the Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board and Compliance Committee
- Continue to provide compliance education programs to prevent anti-trust behavior and bribery
- Spread and promote the use of Nittsu Speak Up, a whistleblowing system, among employees
- Related SDGs
- Management Indicators
Goal: Attendance at compliance education courses: 100%
Performance:FY2018: 97.4%Goal: Compliance Manager Conferences of all areas of Group operations in Japan
Performance: FY2018: Held in all areas (239 participants)
Main Effort
- We consider one of the key management issues that should be addressed to sustainably enhance our corporate value is how to establish and maintain a fair and efficient management structure while also ensuring the soundness and transparency of management.
Corporate Governance
Main Effort
- Recognizing the importance of enhancing/strengthening corporate governance, enforcing compliance, and ensuring transparent management, we will improve our organizational structures for management and implement necessary measures in pursuit of our basic policies of speedy management through rapid decision-making and the clarification of responsibility.