ESG Data

Climate Change-related Data


Affiliates Total FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE non-consolidated CO2 emissions (t) Domestic group company CO2 emissions (t) Overseas group company CO2 emissions (t)
Domestic Overseas
Energy Electricity 1,000kWh 224,759 89,293 98,321 412,374 111,052 43,350 55,502
Diesel oil kl 66,449 70,720 17,155 154,324 171,771 182,810 44,346
Gasoline kl 4,486 2,795 5,168 12,448 10,416 6,489 11,999
Natural gas 1,000m3 1,034 272 1,306 2,310 609
LP gas t 2,518 2,141 4,659 7,550 6,422
Heacy fuel oil kl 246 7,844 8,089 666 21,256
Heavy fuel oil (for ships) kl 44,830 19,932 64,761 134,309 59,716
Kerosene kl 590 396 986 1,469 987
Total CO2             439,544 321,639 111,847
                Total of domestic group companies Total of whole group
              CO2 emissions (t) 761,182 873,029
              ditto (t) 809,864 918,388
              Year-on-year change △6.0% △4.9%

Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) *4〜5

(Unit: kiloliter)

  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) 381,386 373,367 370,122 366,671 351,780

Scope, Category (FY2018)

(Unit: thousand tons CO2)

Domestic group companies Overseas group companies Total whole group
Scope1 (Direct emissions) 328 278 56 663
Scope2 (Indirect emissions) 111 43 56 210
Scope1+2 440 322 112 873
Scope3 (Supply chain emissions) 3,693 1,795 2,682 8,171
(Breakdown) Category 1
(Emissions from purchased goods/services)
3,184 1,259 2,463 6,907
Category 2
(Emissions from capital goods)
146 52 100 299
Category 3
29 21 8 59
Category 4
(Upstream transport/distribution)
202 433 53 688
Category 5
12 4 35 51
Category 6
(Emissions from employee business trips)
3 2 1 6
Category 7
(Emissions from employee commuting)
38 23 22 83
Category 15
(Emissions from investment destinations)
78 0 0 78

CO2 emissions (Scope1, 2)

(Unit: tons CO2)

  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Group companies in Japan 876,159 869,875 851,831 809,864 761,182
Group companies overseas 94,835 91,556 90,532 108,524 111,847
Total 970,994 961,431 942,363 918,388 873,029

Component ratio for Scope 3

(Unit: %)

Emissions from purchased goods/services 84.5
Emissions from capital goods 3.7
Energy-related 0.7
Upstream transport/distribution 8.4
Waste 0.6
Other 2.0

GHG emissions across the supply chain

(Unit: %)

Scope1 7.3
Scope2 2.3
Scope3 90.3

Power generated from renewable energy sources (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group, FY2018) *6

(Unit: kWh)

Type Annual power generation Of which electricity used in-house Of which electricity sold
Solar power generation 6,784,333.86 1,019,976.00 5,764,357.86
Wind power generation 9.84 9.84 0.00
Total 6,784,343.70 1,019,985.84 5,764,357.86

Power generated from renewable energy resources (Group companies in Japan)

(Unit: kWh)

  FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Solar power generation 4,321,927 6,595,287 6,784,334
Wind power generation   0.8 9.8

Number of eco-friendly vehicles owned (Group companies in Japan) (As of March 31 for each fiscal year)

(Unit: vehicle)

  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Vehicles conforming to the new long-term regulations or post-new long-term regulations 5,666 6,141 6,718 7,119 7,480
LPG trucks 333 280 228 195 160
Hybrids 1,083 1,228 1,415 1,670 1,883
CNG trucks 288 250 209 161 101
Elecric vehicles 23 23 24 24 26
Total 7,393 7,922 8,594 9,169 9,650
  • The data shown here is the aggregate for 256 non-consolidated and consolidated companies (domestic: 159, overseas: 96) as of the end of March 2019.
  • The FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE non-consolidated and consolidated data for Japan was aggregated using the NEES system and DIVA system, and the data for the overseas consolidated companies was collected from questionnaire surveys.
  • The CO2 emission intensities are from the Emission Factor Database on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain (Ver. 2.6), released by the Ministry of the Environment in March 2019.
  • The data shown here aggregate the energy consumption by FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE and its consolidated companies in Japan and overseas (equivalent to Scopes 1 and 2).
  • For natural gas, 13A city gas (heat value of 45 GJ/thousand cubic meters) applies.
  • Renewable power generation, electricity used in-house and electricity sold are not included in the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group's energy use.

Resources Recycling-related Data

Water/paper usage and waste volume (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group, FY2018)

Affiliates Total
Domestic Overseas
Water 1,000m3 898 503 1,401
Copy/printer paper*1 10,000sheets 41,211 17,113 58,324
Waste General waste t 15,389 4,016 19,405
Industrial waste t 24,417 12,485 36,902
Total t 39,806 16,501 56,307

Water consumption*2

(Unit: thousand cubic meters)

FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
1,041 1,208 974 1,292 1,401

Waste volume (Group companies in Japan)

  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
General waste (t) 21,378 21,428 22,855 20,143 19,405
Industrial waste (t) 35,869 39,769 33,250 35,698 36,902
Industrial Waste Intensity (kg / million yen) 24.06 23.14 21.96 22.77 21.14
Total (t) 57,247 61,197 56,105 55,841 56,307

Industrial waste emissions by item (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE, FY2018) *3~5

Industrial waste category Item Number of control manifests for industrial waste Amount (kg) Weight distribution ratio (%)
Industrial waste Wood shavings 4,347 10,841,973 44.40
Waste plastics 12,279 9,362,906 38.35
Waste metal 1,023 2,329,516 9.54
Mixture 690 869,118 3.56
Waste glass, china, porcelain 179 549,866 2.25
Sludge 136 252,215 1.03
Waste paper 30 47,120 0.19
Waste oil 70 32,615 0.13
Debris, etc. 19 25,180 0.10
Fiber waste 6 6,415 0.03
Waste acid 4 3,440 0.01
Animal and plant residues 3 1,870 0.01
Waste alkali 1 500 0.00
Products using mercury 3 95 0.00
Sub-total   18,790 24,322,827 99.61
Industrial waste subject to special control Waste alkali 10 86,820 0.36
PCB etc. 23 6,540 0.03
Waste oil 1 400 0.00
Waste asbestos 1 360 0.00
Waste acid 1 120 0.00
Sub-total   36 94,240 0.39
Total   18,826 24,417,067 100.00

Emissions of substances reportable under the PRTR Law (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE, FY2018)

Office type Number of offices Total amount used (kg/y) Main substance Main use
Reportable business category but amount used by office is under reporting threshold 6 141 Fenitrothion Warehouse fumigation
Not reportable business category but office uses reportable substance 12 12,035 Methyl bromide Fumigation for operations incidental to import customs clearance

Devices subject to the Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons and leakage (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE, FY2018)

  Applicable devices (number of types)
Class I specified products 9.235
Type of fluorocarbon Actual leakage (kg) Calculated leakage (t-CO2)
R22 60 108
R410A 21 45
R134a 345 493
Total 647
  • Amount of copy paper is counted through conversion to A4 size.
  • The figures for 2018 aggregate water consumption by FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group companies in Japan. The figures for 2014 – 2017 represent water consumption by FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE alone.
  • Items expressed as volume (m³) were converted into weight based on a table of specific gravities by industrial waste item.
  • The aggregate does not include cases where waste cardboard and the like is handed over to a used paper recycler, or where in buildings leased for commercial use, the waste disposal for the entire occupied building is managed and the corresponding charge is included in the rent.
  • In contrast to 4. above, the emissions of a company occupying a FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE facility may in some instances be aggregated into FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE' emissions.

Management-related Data

Investments in environmental conservation (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE)

(million yen/year, rounded down less than ¥100,000 of each item)

Investment category Major examples Amount
FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Investment in modal shift Rail transport containers (Eco-Liner 31, Big Eco-Liner 31, etc.) 127 188 149
Ship containers (R&S containers, etc.) 106 107 82
Tractors and trailers for freight containers 1,051 1,034 1,543
Investment in reusable packing materials for moving Netted blankets, high-pads, etc. 124 124 98
Vehicle-related investments (environmentally friendly vehicles, etc.) CNG, hybrid and LPG vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles that meet fuel efficiency standards 5,105 5,985 7,214
Costs for appropriate waste disposal and management Costs related to Manifest Management Center 26 35 32
PCB equipment disposal costs 45 43
Costs for Environmental Management System registration ISO 14001 and Green Management certification 6 8 7
Investment in planting greenery Forest cultivation projects, landscaping work at branches 292 10 45
Others: Investment in facility energy saving Others: Switchovers of lighting equipment, inverters, etc. 510 589 538
Total   7,347 8,125 9,751

Increasing ISO 14001-certified business locations (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group: as of March 31, 2019)

  • Air Freight Business Branch: ISO Quality & Environmental Management Group, Logistics Administration Division
  • Air Freight Business Branch: Baraki International Logistics Town No. 1 and No. 2
  • Air Freight Business Branch: Narita Airport Logistics Center
  • Sendai Air Service Branch: Sendai Airport Logistics Center
  • Nagoya Air Service Branch: Nagoya Distribution Center
  • Nagoya Air Service Branch: Nagoya Air Cargo Center
  • Osaka Air Service Branch: Nanko Air Cargo Center
  • Global Logistics Branch: Sharp Osaka Division
  • Hiroshima Air Service Branch: Hiroshima Domestic Air Cargo Center
  • Takamatsu Air Service Branch: Takamatsu Air Cargo Center
  • Fukuoka Air Service Branch: Fukuoka Air Cargo Center
  • Nittsu Panasonic Logistics Co., Ltd.
  • Nittsu NEC Logistics, Ltd.
  • NEX Transport, Inc. (United States)
  • NEP Logistics, Inc. (Philippines)

Employee Data

    FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Employees*1 (employees) Total 32,008 31,871 32,280
 Men 27,541 27,342 27,401
 Women 4,467 4,529 4,879
Employment status*2 (employees) Full-time employees 27,173 27,530 27,853
Non-full-time employees 4,835 4,341 4,427
Employees hired*3 (employees) New graduates 923 1,173 1,382
 Men 618 779 905
 Women 305 394 477
Mid-career hires 6 14 6
 Men 5 10 4
 Women 1 4 2
Total 929 1,187 1,388
Percentage of women 32.9 33.5 34.5
Percentage of women with managerial positions (%) 1.0 1.1 1.2
Percentage of female assistant managers (%) 3.8 5.7 7.9
Turnover*1 (employees) Total 1,600 1,877 1,653
 Men 1,228 1,408 1,210
 Women 372 469 443
Turnover*4 (%) Within three years of joining the company 6.7 6.8 5.1
Average age*3 (years old)   42.2 43.1 42.6
Average years with the company*3 (years)   17.6 17.8 18.0
Average days of paid leave taken*3 (days)   5.6 6.1 6.2
Persons taking maternity leave (employees)   124 122 125
Persons taking childcare leave (employees) Total 127 134 142
 Men 4 11 19
 Women 123 123 123
Total number of employees eligible to take childcare leave (employees) Total 973 921 816
 Men 854 788 693
 Women 119 133 123
Percentage of employees who return to work after childcare leave (%)  Men 100 100 100
 Women 98 97 90
Retention of employees who return to work after childcare leave (%)  Men 100 100 82
 Women 90 91 96
Persons taking family care leave (employees)   0 6 12
Persons with disabilities*5 Employment rate of persons with disabilities (%) 2.08 2.12 2.23
Number of persons with disabilities hired (employees) 8,154.5 8,340.5 8,659.0
Training held at the Head Office*6, 7 (excluding e-learning, online classes) Total training time (hours) 267,920
Average training time per regular employee (hours) 9.6
(267,920 hours/27,853 employees
  • Employees (Japan), employees (global), employees (local), employees (elderly), and branch employees.
  • "Non-full-time employees" are all branch employees.
  • Only employees (Japan), employees (global) and employees (local).
  • Only employees (Japan) in sales/administrative jobs.
  • Figures based on the calculation method in the Levy and Grant System for Employing Persons with Disabilities.
  • Training held at the Head Office only.
    Trainings held by regions, departments, or branches are not included.
  • Performance of January to December, 2018.

Safety-related Data

Index of labor accidents

    FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Accidents frequency rate Nittsu 1.53 1.78 1.13 1.17 1.59 1.94
Peers 3.27 2.85 2.68 2.62 3.22 3.42
All industries 1.58 1.66 1.61 1.63 1.66 1.83
Severity rate Nittsu 0.03 0.19 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.03
Peers 0.11 0.24 0.15 0.08 0.11 0.12
All industries 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.10 0.09 0.09

Expenses for transport safety

(Unit: million yen)

Labor cost of safety-related positions (domestic) 1,367
Educational costs (training at Head Office) 390
Material publishing 4
FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group National Safety and Health Convention 1
Driving control system (digital tachograph) related 700
Accident and disaster prevention awareness materials, etc. 13
SAS screening test 25
Other safety measures 114
Total 2,614

Number of accidents relating to article 2 of the transportation safety management regulations

(Unit: cases)

Vehicle malfunction 9
Total 9

Acquisition status of certification as safety excellence enterprise (G-Mark*) (As of January 2019)

  Number of authorized offices Number of G-Mark certified offices Rate of certification (%)
Total number of certified offices in FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE 534 519 97.2
Number of certified offices in FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group 260 250 96.2

(Reference) Industry certification status (As of December 2018)

  Number of authorized offices Number of G-Mark certified offices Rate of certification (%)
Nationwide 85,570 25,343 29.6

G-Mark: A certification issued by the Japan Trucking Association to truck transportation businesses that clear certain criteria in efforts for traffic safety, etc. It is a system to make user selection of safer companies easier, and to raise awareness about improving the safety of truck transport companies as a whole.

Human Rights-related Data

Rate of managerial-level participants of human rights education Percentage of managerial-level participants who underwent the training 83.4%
Antidiscrimination education within the corporate group

Antidiscrimination education is provided at training workships for new staff members and level-specific workshops.

Duration of training workshops 33 hours and 10 minutes
Total length of time spent by our staff members in attending the workshops 858 hours and 40 minutes
Number of attendees 1,235
(Including 347 managerial-level and 888 other attendees)
Participation in other antidiscrimination workshops and lectures organized by public offices Number of workshops attended 88
Total length of time spent by our staff members in attending the workshops 220 hours and 15 minutes
Number of attendees 96
(67 managerial-level and 29 other attendees)
Compliance education via e-learning (harassment prevention course)

Designed for our salespersons and administrative staff members.

Number of attendees 17,335
Total duration About 8,667 hours
Compliance education using our "Compliance Handbook" and other materials

Designed for all staff members of the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group.

Number of attendees 62,388

Quality-related Data

Inquiries/requests received from customers

(Unit: cases)

Inquiries 10,752
Requests 728

Community-related Data

Community investment

(Unit: thousand yen)

Forest cultivation activities 4,801
Education for the next generation 138
Contribution to communities 232
Donations 2,000
Cosponsorship* 1,900

Investment expenses in the CSR Promotion Division

Achievements of Social Contribution Activities (FY2018: Group companies in Japan)

(Unit :participants)

Type of activity Accumulated number of participants and dispatched personnel  
Employee Family of employee
Cleanup activity 25,321 25,185 136
Traffic safety activity 1,017 1,017 0
Blood donation 790 790 0
Company and facility visit 210 210 0
Forest cultivation activity 155 100 55
Workplace experience 86 86 0
Logistics-related lecture at school, dispatch of lecturers 51 51 0
Regional safety campaign* 40 40 0

Other activities: Cooperation and participation in rites and festivals, plastic bottle cap collection campaign, participation in social contribution activities conducted by various organizations, etc.

Participation in anti-violence campaigns, fraud elimination campaigns, and drug elimination campaigns

Arranging company and facility visits and workplace experiences

Company and workplace visits Total 367 people (including 30 working adults)
Workplace experiences 245 students in total

Number of participants in logistics-related lectures at schools

Number of attendees 1,347 students in total

Corporate Governance-related Data

  FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Directors (number) 15 14 9
  Outside Directors 3 3 3
Audit & Superbisory Board Members (number) 5 5 5
  Outside Audit & Superbisory Board Members 3 3 3
Executive Officers (number) 30 32 33
Executive Officers who are concurrently Directors 11 10 5
Female Executives Number 1 1 1
Percentage (%) 3 2 2
Compensation (million yen) Directors (excluding Outside Directors) 565 591 628
Corporate Audit & Superbisory Board Members (excluding Outside Audit & Superbisory Board Members) 48 55 55
Outside Executives 85 82 82

Compliance-related Data

Attendance at compliance education courses (%) 97.4
Compliance Manager Conferences for all areas of Group operations in Japan Held in all areas
(239 participants)
Number of respondents to Compliance Awareness Survey 56,874
Number of participants of compliance education via e-learning 34,382
Number of participants of compliance education using our Compliance Handbook and other materials 62,388

Risk Management-related Data

Certifications Received Relating to the Protection of Personal Data (FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group: As of March 31, 2019)

  • Privacy Marks

    • Nittsu Shoji
    • Careerroad
    • Nago E-Technology
    • Okinawa Nittsu Air Cargo Service
    • Wanbishi Archivest
  • ISMS (Information Security Management System) Certifications

    • Nittsu Shoji
    • Nittsu Information Systems
    • Nittsu Panasonic Logistics
    • Nittsu NEC Logistics
    • Wanbishi Archives
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