ESG Management


From the dual perspectives of developing a sustainable society and achieving continuous growth for the Company, the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group promotes ESG management and has identified priority issues that we must tackle as a Group.

  • ENVIRONMENTResponsibilities to the Earth's Environment

    Make positive contributions to climate change, resources recycling, and biodiversity as a logistics company.

    Specific Topics

    • Reduce CO2 emissions by reinforcing controls on climate change
    • Provide logistics technologies and services with little environmental impact
    • Strengthen adaptive ability and resilience in the face of climate change
    • Promote resources recycling
    • Protect terrestrial and marine ecosystems
  • SOCIALRespect for Human Rights

    Create a society where everyone feels safe and secure.

    Specific Topics

    • Promote occupational safety and health
    • Maintain social safety involving logistics
    • Ensure robust respect for human rights in the supply chain
  • GOVERNANCESound Company Conduct

    Build management platform that supports improvements in sustainable corporate value.

    Specific Topics

    • Promote fair business practices
    • Implement robust anticorruption measures

In addition to the issues listed above, we are also tackling the following themes to realize our long-term vision (the 2037 Vision) as we approach the centenary of the founding of the company.

  • A Workplace That Supports Sustainable Growth

    Transform the company into one where a diverse workforce feels happy and takes pride in the work.

    Specific Topics

    • Create job satisfaction in the workplace
    • Train human resources who can work globally
    • Promote diversity and inclusion
    • Promote workstyle innovation
  • Innovation Based on Collaborating and Co-creation

    Create value for customers and society through innovation.

    Specific Topics

    • Strengthen global partnerships
    • Contribute to sustainable and tough infrastructure development
    • Promote global product quality in response to customer and social expectations

The issues listed here are the ones we consider particularly relevant from the perspectives of CSR and the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group business. The list does not imply that other issues lack importance.

Identifying and Scrutinizing Key Issues

2013 We examined important CSR issues to be addressed globally on a priority basis in line with international guidelines such as ISO 26000 and the views of stakeholders inside and outside the Company.
2014 After careful discussion, our Board of Executives selected three key CSR issues—Responsibilities to the Earth’s Environment, Sound Company Conduct, Respect for Human Rights—to be tackled by the Group as a whole. We identified specific topics for each of the three issues filtered through the twin perspectives of the Company’s impact on the society and the impact of these issues on the Company.
2015 We entered into dialog with experts who pointed out that we had failed to include specific topics pertaining to Respect for Human Rights, so we revised some of the content accordingly.
2016 We revised some parts of the text describing specific topics to make the content more accessible.
2017 Concerning the issue of our Responsibilities to the Earth’s Environment, we formulated and began to work on long-term targets for fiscal 2030 to prevent global warming and build a recycling-oriented society.
2018 In light of the Paris Agreement, the SDGs, and other changes in the social environment, we scrutinized the three key issues and specific topics for each one. By verifying the connections between the SDGs and the business and CSR efforts at FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Groupe through questionnaires and interviews with stakeholders inside and outside the company, we identified themes that do not fall within the three key issues and added the perspective of opportunity to risk-centered topics.

Views of External Experts on the Key Issues

External experts shared the following views on the process of scrutinizing specific topics for each of the three key issues in fiscal 2018.

  • Mr. Naohiro Nishiguchi, Executive Managing Director,Japan Innovation Network

    • It is preferable to ensure consistency between the key issues and the long-term vision (the 2037 Vision) in the approach to the centenary of the company.
    • Use the method of backcasting from the long-term vision when considering policies for the key issues.
    • You have identified many risks, but I would like you to strengthen business opportunities based on the SDGs.
  • Mr. Takeshi Shimotaya, Managing Director, Sustainavision LTD.

    • It would be better if you could use the results of internal departmental questionnaires to unearth issues, and could raise awareness across every department.
    • It would be better if you could identify and engage important stakeholders on a continuous basis, and reflect their opinions in your strategy.
    • It would be better to prioritise any relevant issues which need to be addressed, and distinguish between those issues which can be dealt with internally, and those which require collaboration.

Efforts Toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • With the manifestation of abnormal weather patterns caused by climate change and their attendant natural disasters, shortages of water and food due to the destruction of the natural environment and population increase, economic disparity, rising poverty, and other serious problems, there is widespread recognition that dealing with these problems is a global issue. One of the global initiatives designed to respond to these social problems, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted at the UN General Assembly in 2015, identify 17 goals and 169 targets for sustainable development by 2030.
    In our medium-term business plan, the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group has linked the three ESG themes to the SDGs. We have identified risks and opportunities in the value chain by scrutinizing specific topics for each of the three key issues, and by analyzing the importance of the 169 SDG targets and their relevance to our business.
    Our contributions to customers and society through business improve sustainable growth and corporate value for the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group. We are moving forward with these initiatives in recognition of how they relate to achieving the SDGs.

Risks and Opportunities in the Value Chain

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