Key Priorities for the FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group Responsibilities to the Earth’s Environment

Management Approach

  • Major Social Challenges
    • Climate change and frequent natural disasters induced by climate change
    • Air pollution
    • Shortage of water resources
    • Increase of waste and marine plastics
    • Loss of biodiversity
  • Specific Topics
    • Reduce CO2 emissions by reinforcing controls on climate change
    • Provide logistics technologies and services with little environmental impact
    • Strengthen adaptive ability and resilience in the face of climate change
    • Promote resources recycling
    • Protect terrestrial and marine ecosystems
    • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by facilitating the shift to LED, introducing eco-friendly vehicles and encouraging modal shifts and eco-driving
    • Save resources by promoting the 3Rs and increasing the number of eco-friendly products and services
    • Thoroughly prevent the transboundary movement of non-native species in compliance with related ordinances and treaties
  • Related SDGs
Management Indicators

Goal: Reduce CO2 emissions by 30% versus the FY2013 level by FY2030
Performance :FY2018 result: 10.4% reduction versus the FY2013 level

Goal: Ensure that All facilities are lit by LED by FY2030
Performance: FY2018 result: 21.8% (on a business location basis)

Goal: Annually reduce industrial waste emissions by 1% versus the previous year (vis-a-vis sales)
Performance: FY2018 result: 7.1% reduction versus the FY2017 level

Main Effort

We pursue the mitigation of climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in transportation, and are committed to our adaption to climate change, regarding it as a responsibility of a designated public institution. Through our business activities, we are also proactive in terms of the recycling of resources and the protection of biodiversity.
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